Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Meditation on Christmas

As we once again come upon Christmas, I'm pondering the current state of Christianity and dismayed by hate, yet still finding hope. To avoid being labeled a Communist, the Cold War made masses of people in this country claim Christianity falsely. They were never rebuked and told following Christ doesn't mean being AT church or saving yourself, it means BEING the church, and saving the world. Today, we have so many loud voices saying they're Christian, yet not following Christ. And it's still accepted.

In two days I will celebrate Christmas, the entering into this world of hope and love. Pure, and untarnished, hope and love. Did it "actually" happen? Who knows? Some have faith it did, some have faith it did not. I will continue to tell it because I know stories shape our reality. I choose to shape reality by celebrating the incarnation of pure hope and love. By telling this story I remind myself that fear and hate are not the final word. Hope will come in unlikely and unexpected ways.

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