Thursday, February 9, 2017

You Can't Get Blood from a Stone

Now here's an article worth reading:


Here are some highlights:

"It’s a simple charge of hypocrisy, and it’s very stupid. Why is it very stupid? Because it presupposes that the original complaint was made in good faith, based on some kind of principle, and wasn’t just the ill-informed braying of a jackass mob."

"—If pro-lifers think the life of the fetus is so valuable, why do they have total disdain for those who suffer once they’re actually born?"

"Hypocritical Christians in America don’t actually worship Jesus; they worship America, and even then, it’s a very specific, self-centered idea of America. Pro-lifers don’t possess universal kindness for the human race; they have one pet issue, and everyone and everything else can go screw (including the planet)."

"There’s an argument to be made that illustrating the duplicity will help win over those in the middle, or those who were previously apathetic, but there’s a right and wrong way to execute that strategy. The wrong way is what we see above—presenting the contradictions to the yahoos as though they haven’t been totally brainwashed into a state of post-truth, and will have a beautiful come-to-Jesus moment if we just whine at them long enough. "

"Go to the people you need to convince—the ones who aren’t willing to resort to any dirty trick—and say “look, these people are liars. Everything they say, and everything they do, is a lie.” Ignore the liars themselves; you’ll have better luck getting blood from a stone. Go to the people who retain a shred of humanity, make your case, and pray that there are enough of them left to tilt the balance."

The question then becomes, are there enough undecided or swing voters out there?

CandidateVote TotalPercentage (of voters)
Hillary Clinton65,844,61048.1
Donald Drumpf62,979,63646.0
The Elections Project notes that there were 251,107,404 people who classify as members of the voting-age population, therefore 115,449,897 of the voting-age population (or 46.3 percent of the total population eligible) did not vote.

This means, not a single Drumpf or HRC supporter would need to change their mind. 

We do not need to argue. We need to make people believe their vote matters and give them a candidate that represents their needs, not the needs of the wealthy. 

Midterms are coming up sooner than you think. 


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